From agage@csee.usf.edu:
Well done, but the ending is a bit abrupt.

From cnichol@magma.ca:
Nice textures. Good concept. I liked the design of the robot.

From manorton@jps.net:
Loud textures.

From ldnbruce@flash.net:
Nice robot, excellent textures, cool ship, very good camera work.

From Michael@nmtrix.com:
Nice mapping and camera usage.
Shame about the static camera shots when the machine eyeballs the fly.
Like the follow the bug shots.

From wozzeck@club-internet.fr:
Nice and imaginative one. Saving some frames in the middle section could have let you make a more detailed end.

From chipr@niestu.com:
Would have liked to see more of the chase sequence.

From mark.wagner17@gte.net:
Nice job with the chase portion of the animation.  However, it should probably be two to three times as long.  Additionally the camera should follow the fly all the way until it hits the ground.