From maal-irtc20030115@anthrosphinx.de:
Looks interesting, like some sort of excerpt from a music video clip. Sorry, somehow i don't "get" it - what's this animation about? The text file didn't offer much help, too...
From fcueto@rice.edu:
¿Quiéreme de muerte? Very strange song to choose. I didn't understand the animation, even though I saw it three times.
From evilsnack@hotmail.com:
All I see is a spalltered blob floating in space.

From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
I liked the unique explosion affect - that was nice - bit more sharpnel would have helped.  As a surreal kind of a feel it works but if you are after a realistic look then I am not sure what I am watching - the animation should tell a story (I guess that is my bias).

From lou_bruce@yahoo.com:
I didn't get it. What were you trying to say with this anmation?
Next time adjust the volume of your soundtrack to match some other videos. The volume always surprises me everytime I play this one.