Sicko!  Nice flames, but the horizon looks a little strange, as if the earth just stops!

The Hindenburg at Lakehurst exploding. Nearly the same scene that I wanted to 
do myself.  Great idea ;) But I didn't have the tiem...

The building looks too big for me.
oh the Humanity!  (sorry, had to say it) - nice job!

Good concept for a period work. The ground seems to fall off into the sky at the edge however, and the overall picture is a little dark. Cool explosion though!

Very good fire, road could be lower, very good

Oh, the humanity!  Nice modelling.

Grass looks more like water than anything else.. pictures seems to be a little
too minmalistic.  Pretty good otherwise.  Nice Sky.

The scale throughout the image is wrong. The main subject should be larger. There is nothing happening in the forground.

It's a neat idea, concept-wise.  The horizon is a bit abrupt.
I like this one. Just one thing, most Airships would look bigger, even next to the largest of hangers. But I like the attention to the background and the rest of the image.

There's something unconvincing about this image. Maybe it could have been rectified by a better camera angle. Don't be afraid to get in close to the main subject -- even if you lose some of the airplanes, the resulting image would be much more dramatic. As it stands, it's boring.

Nice halo effect.

Neat idea, but I wish he would have gone through and paid more attention to detail.

Everything looks like it was cut and pasted. The perspectiveless sky gives the
impression this is all taking place on a platform floating a few km above the
ground. Where are the shadows? I can't tell if the poor airship is stuck to the
hanger, above the front runway or is toy a few inches from the camera!

I like the fire! That looks like a hard effect to achieve.

             YOU GOT GREAT TALENT !!!


Airship looks too metallic - more like an airplane without wings
interesting concept lack only on orginality
Flattening out the sky sphere should give a better-looking horizon.


Exelent fire!

Nice idea, but needs work on the execution.

Concept okay, scene too crowded.  Gasbag too shiny.  No fading in sky near
horizon.  Great explosion.