===== Why have the spaceships got big lumps of wood sticng out the back?! ===== What's the station in the middle. The new church? ;) ===== Sorry bud, zero connection to flight equals zero points. ===== Interesting concept. The space stations a bit bland... ===== Bizzare, a little too distracting. ===== I had several problems with this image. But, I must say the planet is intriguing. Is that a fractal? ===== Close up objects require more texturing to add interest to the composition. Is that a Julia set consuming the planet? ===== Fresh use of concept. Rev.19? I never would have thought of bug eyed space-planes. ===== Nice globe texture; cool flounder-ships! ===== Very humorous ===== Interesting concept lacks some techincal expertize ===== The eye textures are pretty neat. The stars were sort of disappointing, though, all of them being the same magnitude and such. ===== The stars are 'interesting'. I quite like the effect. ===== More space stuff... ===== Odd, interesting concept. Image seemed a bit contrived.