From castlewrks@aol.com:
How does this relate to the theme???

From agage@mines.edu:
Weak connection to the theme, but what is any competition round without
gratuitous images of cars?  A text description would have helped.

From jaime@ctav.es:
Poor tech info...

From Martin.Magnusson.7121@student.uu.se:
The rocks and car model are good, but the water look more like asphalt or
Some highlights would have made it a lot better IMHO, and why is the windshield

From dormammu@erols.com:
Nice image, but no TXT file dropped your score slightly, and the fact that it's
a scene from an upcoming game added another significant drop to your score, as
it sounds like this image wasn't specifically made for the IRTC.

From ethelm@bigfoot.com:
Image looks unfinished.

From gmccarter@hotmail.com:
Well, I guess I like the rock texture, maybe.

From djconnel@flash.net:
No info is provded here.... .txt is part of
the submission, and no basis is provided for

In any case, this scene doesn't have much to
do with "night", other than the dark sky....

From r@dial-up30.webbernet.net:
Off topic.  May be a rules violation (not created for this round).  Modelling of
the car is substandard.  No information.  No discernible story.  This comment
by clem@dhol.com.