===== From tlyons@gnn.com: too much info ===== From spanky@wpi.edu: Interesting concept ===== From rotht@televar.com: Extremely clever. The concept is sort of depressing though... :-} ===== From jamez@xover.ml.org: nature, not houses! ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: ZZZ. Story too long. ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: nice to see someone type up a long story as well... the image looks a bit flat and needs more areas in shade to improve the feeling of depth. A slight fog might help as well. Also, the camera perspective is a bit rigid. How about tilting it a bit or looking up/down? ===== From marc_w@ncx.com: i like the story involved and the grass and animals, but eveything seems too new. ===== From ewgr@abaddon.globalnet.co.uk: An excellent story and one wonders if perhaps you should be writing for a living. You have provoked thought at any rate, nice imagination. ===== From ulf.schreiber@gmx.net: How did you cope all those tree parts with only 40 MB ram???? I stopped my experiments with such a program partially because of overexcessive swapping. When the branches get thinner, they also must get shorter, that looks MUCH better, I tried it. Also it would be a good idea to make some branches "jump" generations, that should make the trees less hollow-sphere like. If you do these changes to your program I want to have it! ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: Very well thought out! Your text file explains a lot and adds a lot of meaning to the image. Nice effect with the oncoming water, too. The colors seem pretty constant, however. You might want to consider some more variation in the color of the grass to simulate shadows and motion, for instance. Nice image, overall. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Amazing story! Of course, the theme is very apropiated. About the image itself, the composition is nice, modelling is fine, as always, but (there is, yes!) I don't like some colors, mainly bcos they are too standard (Red, Green, Blue). Anyhow, great work! ===== From djconnel@flash.net: I like the concept! A few suggestions, though: * do more with lighting * do more with textures * the cars look off the showroom floor * the mirror-clean buildings appear to have been well-maintained ===== From bill@apocalypse.org: cool idea, but the scene doesn't grab me - just a semi-random collection of stuff. ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: Nice composition. Good buildings, car, grass, ducks. Trees are rather strange and unnatural. ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: I can't tell which direction the light is coming from. It looks like it was rendered with shadows turned off. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: Very nice image and concept. :{) I would have used a heightfield to break up the road and sidewalk rather than the crackle. The crackling is just a bit to regularized. The lighting seems too bright given the dark sky. Great description in the text file. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Took me a while to get the point. A rather chaotic and confusing image. Then I read the text file. Fascinating read. I figured out what I don't like about the image: the coloration is almost totally flat. No shadows, no contrasts. In spite of the too-bright colors, this makes a dull image. Can you find a way to blur the bees wings? Very nice geese. Valiant attempt on the cars. I like the way the grass comes up through the cracks. ===== From peter@table76.demon.co.uk: Liked the storytelling aspects. ===== From r@ Overall, pretty good. The best of your submissions. I do think the mirror effect needs to be ratcheted down a couple notches- it's a bit visually confusing as it is. Notable for modelling