===== From spanky@wpi.edu: Great work on grass and tractor. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Foreground grass is excellent! Trees look too wierd in texture and shape! Uncut grass looks unnatural, and bees are so-so. ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: nice grass, but... where are the shadows? shame! the tree trunks look metallic. might be due to the lack of proper lighting, though... :) ===== From karl@pemail.net: The trees' branches are a bit too thin and spidery, and you need to rotate the texture when you rotate the branches ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: Excellent job modelling, especially with the tractor and the lawn-mower. The trees somehow look too "silver," almost metallic. Perhaps denser foliage would help eliminate some of that. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Depressed? Why? It's wonderful that nature slow power, even if involves the destruction of some species, humans included. Nature acts like this, creating modifiyng, and killing species. Your short story of the other entry shows it very nicely. Back to the picture, I like your modelling. The only thing here are the trees branches, too large, and the leaf size, too big (IMHO). Liked specially the tractor, very ancient model! (still running?) :) ===== From djconnel@flash.net: 50 year after depressed you? Frankly, the notion of nature surviving the human infestation seems rather optimistic too me, perhaps overly so.... The tree algorithm needs a bit of work, I think. Also, you could again do some more with texturing and lighting. ===== From bill@apocalypse.org: I've seen those ducks and deer before. The leaves on the trees look odd, more like green butterflies. The upper part of the image is too chaotic. ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: The sky looks kind of flat. Could use a gradient. As I mentioned in other image I can't get a real sense of where the light is coming from. I think you need to turn your ambient levels down somewhat. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Sorry, I'm going to have to be harsh here: Again, an utterly flat image. The bees themselves are the only objects with a hint of 3D because of their shadows. The light seems to be a spotlight directly overhead. Why do the objects leave no shadows on the grass? Deer seem to be lit from underneath. Can't decide which is worse: flourescent leaf texture or shiny steel wood texture. No background. Little disc floats above the mower motor. No sensible reason for the deer and geese to be in the scene. No differentiation between cut/uncut grass where the mower stopped. Poor arrangement of bees: took me forever to realize there are more than three. I do like the tractor, though. And pretty darn good grass. ===== From r@ This image suffers a bit from the modeling. While the models were quite effective in "50 years," in this they are seen closer up, and so need more detail to be convincing.