===== From spanky@wpi.edu: The mountains, sky, and lake in this scene are very nice. It seems to lose a little bit of it's cohesiveness and aesthetic qualities in the rocks and green ground surrounding the lake. This scene should be worked on more, it has some great potential. ===== From rotht@televar.com: The mountain could use a few more shades of color. Other than that, though, it is a truly beautiful scene. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: The mountains are almost tri-tone, and like it. I think that I prefer this effect to the "obviously polygonated" effect one usually gets from rendered landscapes. ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: the three colored mountain could use a few more shades of blue. adjust lighting to suit my taste :) ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: Nice tree, and the water looks good. The mountains look pretty "discretized"--I can see maybe three or four separate colors. More variation would help the realism alot. ===== From djconnel@flash.net: This is a nice use of Bryce, but POV-Ray (especially TMPOV) does a better job on this sort of scene. The mountain needs a richer texture to reveal the roughness of the rocks. ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: Everyithing in the scene looks pretty real except the mountain in the background which has a strange flat texture too it which makes the mountain look kind of cartoony. If the texture had some shading to it. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: "mntlake"? You might want to get more creative on your titles, Mike. I like the bluish textures on the mountains. The mirrorlike surface of the water is scenic, but doesn't seem realistic: shouldn't we be able to see (slightly) below the waterline? Good variety on the surfaces used throughout the scene. ===== From r@ Nice. Something's a bit off about the mountain, but otherwise very nice.