===== From spanky@wpi.edu: That is wicked cool work, but where is the rest of the scene? ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Rocks are certainly part of nature, too! ===== From dale@midnightgarden.com: I think the crystals are too perfect, or is it meant to be? ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: lovely rocks and crystals, all that remains is dimensionally transporting them from the void of nothingness into a just as well crafted setting... ===== From stubbs@dundee.net: very pretty ===== From ewgr@abaddon.globalnet.co.uk: Its simplicity makes it quite striking but I would have given you a much higher mark if there had been a background, that was perhaps out of focus, supplying an impression of scale. ===== From darb@rpgpics.simplenet.com: Needs some type of background. ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: Beautiful rock texture! Looks like a photograph. Your image could have profited immensely from some surroundings that gave it context. A glass case in a museum, a rock shelf in a cave, etc. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice, but would be better to see the cavern of your first entry from a point of view, with the crystal rock in front, and the cavern surrounding it. The crystals can look much better with something to reflect/refract and the pic can look much more interesting. And, this way, you can avoid the second pic. Anyhow, nice pic, and great tech work! I really liked the crystals rock. ===== From djconnel@flash.net: Nicely done!!!!! This is a very nice modeling job. Of course, a background would substantially enhance this one -- with a little more work, this could be a real winner! ===== From bill@apocalypse.org: The light grey background hurts the image - makes it look unreal. ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: Original. Well Done. A bit bland and bottom light is odd. ===== From 101741.541@compuserve.com: If you liked these crystals so much, you should have made it more up-front in your other image :( ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: Unique interpretation of the topic. The background is a little bland though. Perhaps a gradient or have the rock resting on a surface of some sort. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: The crystals and the sotne are looking really great, but without a scene to set them in, the image just doesn't work. Even if you'd just placed it on a wood table-top with a spotlight, that would have added so much more to the scene. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Plain grey background? Ho hum... boring. ===== From no13@ozemail.com.au: The detail of the mineral is excellent. However it would be good to see in in some form of context. Say in a display cabinet. ===== From peter@table76.demon.co.uk: Odd; why separate this out of your 00mb_001 entry? It's an interesting enough crystal, but works better as part of the larger scene. ===== From r@ *very* nice. This looks much better on its own than hidden in your "cave" pic. I do think it should have some sort of context or background, just not one so distracting as the cave. The modeling of the rocks is particularly nice. Notable for textures, modelling