===== From spanky@wpi.edu: The sun looks wrong, there are better techniques for making stuff like that, subtle lens flares for one. ===== From mikko.oksalahti@dosetek.varian.com: Improve the sun and the image is great. Now the sun is too unnatural. Maybe simulate flare around sun and make it brighter. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: One of the highest rated images so far! Only improvement could be in the look of the sun. ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: i like that the butterflies are not just clones but have different wing positionings. the sun appears to be in front of the clouds. is this so? ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: Very nice! The water looks good, and the butterflies are wonderful. The sun could use a little work--it does the job as it is but it looks pretty artificial. ===== From djconnel@flash.net: This scene has huge potential. The lighting and tone are excellent, and with a few improvements could be a real winner. The image suffers in that the butterflies are clearly diplicates except for the wing position. Also, the sun needs some work to improve its realism. ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: Nice composition! ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: I like the orange / yellow / peach color theme of the image. ===== From r@fermi.lancs.ac.uk: Very calm and atmospheric, a bit of haze over the sun would be great and some aa / jitter to get rid of the stripes on it! ===== From r@ I really like this one. Very evocative. The sun looks a bit fake, but other than that, wonderful. Notable for composition