From scooby@pld.com:
Very nice scenery.  Makes me want to try Vue 'desprit.

From Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com:
Where can I get a cloak like that?

From gregj56590@aol.com:
Too many "Four elements" images in this contest. This one, however, is so pleasing to the eye and soul.

From nx@chez.com:
I particulary like the atmosphere of that scene, this kind of quietness. I love
the background. Figure is really nice !

From guilhem.christol@hol.fr:
A nice picture and originatily

From skywise@fix.net:
Woah! I just love the whole concept behind the image... It's hard not to give a 20 for 
artistic merit, but the balance of the scene just seems to be ever-so-slightly off... Just 
enough to knock it down a point though... Anyway, great image!

From bobfranke@halcyon.com:
One of my favorites.  I can't think of any way to improve this image.

From gmccarter@hotmail.com:
Simple, balanced, evocative.  Superb style.  Excellent image.

From djconnel@flash.net:
The terrain is nicely done!!! However, I don't understand why you didn't
render it in Vue d'Esprit -- it could have done a better job with the sky,
for example.

Despite the fact that the sky is less interesting than it could
be, this is quite a nice piece of work!  The barren landscape is
very effective in its level of detail, and the use of color and
atmosphere is very strong.   The bright orbs are in stark contrast
to the monochromatic landscape.  And the use of Julia fractals
is quite good -- the POV fractal objects intimidate me :).

The structure in the distance is a nice touch.


From 101741.541@compuserve.com:
Great image.  Composition, color sheme, modelling (stone julias..),..
excellent.  I especially like the way various depths makes a hierarchy
between elemnts of the scene (standing stones, magician...).  My only
regret is about the 4 elements-balls, their color and shape are quit boring
in comparison to the rest of this superb scene.

From r@adids3.byk.de:
Funny idea. First, I thought it to be a bit off-topic, but you got your point. Nice athmospheric effects. The foreground texture seems to be a bit too glossy (doesn't fit perfectly into the picture;-)

From r@cdsl246.mpls.uswest.net:
great use of color

From r@dt027n86.maine.rr.com:
The female could use a little more detail however the backgroud stand on its own and adds depth and caracter to the image.
Notable for lighting

From r@ppp-sfx201--071.sirius.net:
Great surreal marsish landscape; more focus on elements?
Notable for textures