From Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com:
I love the boiling water in this one.  But the rainbow seems too sharp for 
the turbulence going on around it.  And who threw a paper aiplane into the
scene?  ;)

From gregj56590@aol.com:
Very pretty, but your water isn't transparent!

From jsaxton@folio.com:

having the elements come together in a chaotic mess is a great idea
From bobfranke@halcyon.com:
I really like the water.  Although it is not very realistic, you have created a very violent and stormy mood which extends into the rest of the image.

Also, there is no need to apologize for your english.  It is way better that my non-existent second language.

From gmccarter@hotmail.com:
Incredible energy.  Great concept, but the execution leaves me cold.  The "aircraft" are gratuitous, but at least they provide a scale for the scene.  The broken mountain revealing the lava is the best part.

From djconnel@flash.net:
This one has a lot of promise, and is a nice use of the concept,
but it needs a bit more work.

Some examples:

* the scene looks too flat -- it doesn't have a 3-d feel to it.
* the rainbow is out of place.  The light sources are wrong for it
* the water looks solid, not at all transparent + refractive.
* the ships look like paper cutouts, not 3-d objects.

Still, with a little work this could be quite effective -- it is
very dynamic.

From bill@apocalypse.org:
wow, too much action, like a hollywood movie

From r@cust193.webbernet.net:
The fire looks good and the water isn't bad.  The water, as hf water is likely to do, looks too solid.   In this case, at least, I think that it is because waves that sharp should be undercut.  The image is dynamic, but it is also a little too busy.  What is supposed to be happening is far from obvious.  This comment by clem@dhol.com.