From scooby@pld.com:
Nice image.  

From bobfranke@halcyon.com:
The only problem I see with this is several areas with straight horizontal edges of something, but I don't know what.  They really don't stand out all that much, I didn't see them at first.  Still this is a beautiful image, I really like it.

From gmccarter@hotmail.com:
Good interpretation.  Nice detail on the trees, even if we only see them in silhouette.

From djconnel@flash.net:
I really like the idea for the scene.  However, it doesn't look to me
like a fire.... I expect to see flames, light, smoke, darkness...... all
I see here is red mist.  Still, it has a lot of potential.... stick with it.

From bill@apocalypse.org:
Nice, but seems a bit dark given that the flames should be making things

From wozzeck@club-internet.fr:
Strange feelings. A nearly abstract picture, since you immediately recognize what it is about even if there is no real flame or fire, and a few very simple trees.
Why not?

From 101741.541@compuserve.com:
Good hot ambience. The counter-light looks good.  Maybe a little too red...