From scooby@pld.com:
Beautiful!  What is it?

From roth@ens.ascom.ch:
It certainly looks nice, but what is it?

From Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com:
I don't know what it is, but it looks great!

From jacqueroux@infonie.fr:

For me the best in artistic merit...but not the winner.
From ewgr@abaddon.globalnet.co.uk:
I quite like this, pleasing to look at; but, what is it? 
More descriptions please.

From bobfranke@halcyon.com:
WHAT is on the air?
The longer I look at this image the more I see in it.  Some of what I see is pretty bizarre.  For me this is artistically beautiful but seems a but weak relative to the topic.

From gmccarter@hotmail.com:
Did you make this image in 1997?

From djconnel@flash.net:
This one has some real potential.  However, I think the topicality
is a stretch -- air actially plays no role in the image.  The image
could as easily be called "In the Vacuum".

However, as a work of art in its own right, it is quite effective!
The use of transparency and color and composition are all
very interesting.

From wozzeck@club-internet.fr:
Looks like something abstract about air, if I read the title.
Some more explainations wouldn't have hurt!
BTW, 800x600 size is recommended here.

From ekennedy@voyager.net:
It's beautiful.  I have no idea what it is, but it's beautiful.

From r@dt027n86.maine.rr.com:
I love the movement and mood in this picture. I hate to comment on the "on-topic" points but the text file was very vauge as to the theme. I would very much like to hear it as I did like this scene.
Notable for modelling, composition, textures

From r@dial-up46.webbernet.net:
A pretty abstract.  Doesn't say "air" to me.  Nice textures and colors.  This comment by clem@dhol.com.