From ekaiser@camden.tds.net:
the rocks and martian plain are real good. The rock is too bright red though.

From whhale@nvl.army.mil:
I like the concept.  

From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:

Okay... this is the exact idea I had... I ended up doing something else... I was going to have the lander in a heap... beside some deserted alien outpost. 

The landscape needs more to it... perhaps some hills.... the red dirt needs to look more like... dirt.
From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com:
Good concept, when you see it written, the image is not as good at carrying all
of the meaning of this.

From jouni@mikrobitti.fi:
Really good background story, I wish you would've had the time to give
it a bit more time and thought. The ground is particularly dull. If 
that's the case in Mars, it might've been presented in a bit less 
prominent manner to give space to something really interesting. Some 

- The lander looks interesting. Why not go closer?
- The Martian Stonehenge is a nice idea, but it could me much more than
  some bumpmapped straight cones. 
- The sky is fairly romantic. I think it could've been used in a more 
  dramatic manner, if so was pleased. 
- The plane-based ground encountering flat-looking sky in the horizon 
  doesn't really give the best possible feeling of being anywhere in 
  the real world. 

Good elements you had there. Some additional composition and a bit 
better angle of view would've made this one still a lot better.

From jd@surveyor.in-berlin.de:
Hey, I think the probe must be upside down! This image is a fake! ;-)

From StephenF@whoever.com:
Interesting concept.  I like the texture of the ground, 
and the use of heightfields for the small rock formations.

From clem@dhol.org:
Clever idea.  Nice study in brick and orange.  The poor 
lander really looks forlorn.

From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk:
Looks like a space image.  Those spiky things remind me of something, but I don't
know what.  The text file is way too long.