From darwallace@earthlink.net:
I can't give techical credit for the boat without knowing its source (CSG, stock
object, imported object, modification).

From pbourke@swin.edu.au:
Good vessel design, like the metal finish.
Good water and waves. I guess I would have rated it higher if
it were more "interesting".

From dvnss@mega.ist.utl.pt:
It looks somehow oilly ?

From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
Nice image... the water looked a bit slimy green.  The texture on the ship could
have been more detailed and varied.

From tony@j4tb.com:
Boat looks good. Water on shadow side looks different than the rest of the

From gregj56590@aol.com:
Very excellent texturing.
From bbowen@cswnet.com:
Odd choice of surface texture for the ship. Looks like something from space.

From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com:
Image comments please, that would help.

From StephenF@whoever.com:
The ship has an interesting look to it, and the water 
works well.  (The texture on the seabed could use a 
little work, I think.)  

From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk:
You didn't say anything about how you produced the image. 

From delfeld@mailcity.com:
Great pattern relations in the water and ship.  The dolphin is not only
unnecessary, but it interrupts the composition.

From file:
That's a very cool ship; would like to see more!