From darwallace@earthlink.net:
For good plants, check out Gilles Tran's Maketree.  The critter design is good, but object and texture detail are lacking here.

From pbourke@swin.edu.au:
Good to see some original modelling.
From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
The objects are too plastic looking but nice atmospheric affects.

From douge@nls.net:
Zylom of the Gryf Empire?  

From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com:
Funy animals, dangerous looking place.
Your plants look more like some military equipment :-?

From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk:
The mistyness of the water looks good, but the flat seabed doesn't.  The scene
looks unfinished, don't know why it just does.  

From delfeld@mailcity.com:
Looks like a goos start. . .