From digitalburn@totalise.co.uk:
could do without the stones + splash i think. th sun seems a little round and bright for this time of day. good otherwise.

From darwallace@earthlink.net:
Some texture variety on the ships might have helped some, but a good image.

From pbourke@swin.edu.au:
A very nice feel to this image, good use of colour, nice waves.
The splash of water needs some work. 

From dvnss@mega.ist.utl.pt:
Why do people always exagerate the gold in sunsets.
I guess that's what you love in susnsets...

From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
Nice work... like that ambience.  The light on the sails doesn't seem right... the spray looks a bit artifical (straight).

From tony@j4tb.com:
Your spray effect look more like fog. You might try several(100) placed spheres for better effect. Great techniqe on lightsource. I will have to try it.

From a.swan@ucl.ac.uk:
Oh, I think you succeeded alright.  Absolutely stunning.
From angelaperry@webcombo.net:
I can't help it--I loved the glowing sails. Although this picture would
probably never exist in reality, it is a beautiful and imaginative
drawing, with wonderful colors.  Lovely!
~A. Perry

From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com:
Not bad. The contrast with the sun is pretty good.
The wave splashing is better kept dark :-)

From StephenF@whoever.com:
Good use of color... the sky looks very nice.  The ships 
have a metallic look to them which is pretty cool, and 
the shaping is nice.  I think the scene would have 
looked much better without the spray effect... it doesn't 
look that realistic to me and really detracts from the 
overall look of the scene.

From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk:
Great scene but totally spoiled by the spary and splashes in the foreground, 
they look so unrealistic compared to the rest of the image. 

From delfeld@mailcity.com:
Not really failed or succeeded. . . the symbols are all there, but the linear composition and centeredness of the sun make it difficult to view after the scene has been understood.

From file:
The color palette is very pretty, and I like the viewpoint near the rocks. Somehow the ships seem out of scale, like models, though.