From charliemc@prodigy.net:

Cold little bear.
From hgregory3@aol.com:
Artistic - He's Cute! (is he a Canadian bear?)(grin)
Technical - An interesting use of lights and an interesting way to install them.
COMMENT-A Mountie always gets his man. Does a factory bear always get his Tram?
And...if he's not careful where he stands, he will get Tram-pled?

From steve@neurotrain.com:
A 12 T 13 C 17
Layout and lighting are pretty good.
While I know you were going for bland and colourless, I 
find the main "robot" texture over used.  I also wonder 
why you put the grill under the bear
Techincally it is fairly good.  But you have used the bear 
before, and the cars are very plain.
Good concept.

From StephenF@whoever.com:
Cute little bear.  (Thanks for the disclaimer, btw... I feel 
much better now.)  Nice use of simple shapes to create 
a scene, and I like the light grates in the floor.  Some of 
the textures could use some work, especially on the 

From gmccarter@hotmail.com:
It looks like a baggage terminal in an airport.
Interesting way to combine your (rather extensive) copyright information
into the scene.
I like the grating, but I don't like the way-too-shiny floor.  Concrete
would be more appropriate than polished granite in this environment.

From hfventer@ing.sun.ac.za:
the splotchy texture with no bumpmaps are a bit strange.