From rgow@lanset.com:
Nice image!  I like the shadows on the trunks, gives a feeling of being immersed in the scene.

From tek@evilsuperbrain.com:
Very realistic, except the forest seems to vanish in a green mist in the distance.

From shay@simcoparts.com:
Nice looking scene. My suggestion for improving it would be to include more forest behind what you have now. The point in the background at which the trees stop is very abrupt. 

From chris@ugan.com:
Very nice image but it lacks a subject for me. maybe some old rusty weapons and armor for some forgotten battle would have help it match your description. 

From maarten_hofman@hotmail.com:
Well thought of, well composed and well executed.
From awesomeamazingaaron@yahoo.com:

Very realistic feel. Nice bark and water.
From batronyx@alliancecable.net:
A nice change from all of the lifeless rock, and well done at that. The shade of green seems a bit bright. It looks kind of like light filtering down from  an underwater viewpoint. Perhaps if you de-saturated it a bit. I like this anyway as is.

From charliemc@prodigy.net:
great job could be more original

From jrcsurvey@aol.com:
A very richly textured and believable picture.  

From chris_hormann@gmx.de:
Nice, but i miss some explanation why this is supposed to be a spectacular
landscape, for me it looks like a quite ordinary forest.

From clem@dhol.org:
Very nice trees.  I do not like the greenish background.  It 
looks too unnatural.

From p_chan@shaw.ca:
You've done a very good job creating the illusion of 
having "full" trees.  I like the mood that the fog gives 
this scene.  The one thing I find somewhat awkward is 
the placement of the trees relative to the water.  It 
almost seems as if the trees have grown inside a river.

From glenn@mccarters.net:
Really very good trees, among the best I've seen.  My only complaint =
about this image is a lack of focus -- why is the camera pointed in this =
particular direction?  Is there anything significant about this view?  =
Compare this image to howl.jpg in the previous competition to see what I =
mean.  Very high tech marks here.

From irtc_mail@yahoo.co.uk:

Good but lacks a focal point

From r@168-215-245-100.gen.twtelecom.net:
great image (even if bryce did most of the work).. It seems like some of your plants in the front are floating
Notable for textures, composition, originality