From rgow@lanset.com:
Some detail in the foreground would help. Nice starfield.

From tek@evilsuperbrain.com:
The luna landscape doesn't look very much like the moon. It might have been better to use it for a fictional planet surface.

From shay@simcoparts.com:
Beautiful shot of the Earth. Your moon texture would make an excellent ice planet. Some clue as to who or what might be witnessing the Earth rise would add some needed interest to this scene.

From chris@ugan.com:
Your moon texture need some more work
From maarten_hofman@hotmail.com:
I like the idea of space being a spectacular landscape.

From awesomeamazingaaron@yahoo.com:

Nice idea. Been done before, ya gotta give it some new twist, ya know?
From charliemc@prodigy.net:
good effort

From Sardook@telocity.com:
I really liked the clouds on the earth.  It looks better they my previous attempts at doing the same thing.

From chris_hormann@gmx.de:
The earth is well done but the stars and the foreground could be improved.
It is fairly obvious that the edge of the terrain is not the correct horizon
and the structure of the terrain looks quite undefined too.

From clem@dhol.org:
Stars are too simplistic.  Moon texture is implausible.  
Moon surface needs more  geography.  Earth colors are 
too saturated and the globe surface is too 3d for lunar 

From p_chan@shaw.ca:
The Earth looks very nice in terms of detail, but that 
detail gives the sense of nearness.  One gets the 
impression that the object is fairly close, rather then a 
flat looking object reflecting light in the distance.    The 
moon terrain looks okay, but it seems altogether too flat 
to me.

From eranbahana@msn.com:

a nice machine!