From rgow@lanset.com:
Got my snorkel!  Very nice.

From tek@evilsuperbrain.com:
This image is excellent. It's technically very well constructed (plus no terragen!), and it has a very unique look. I don't know what you've done to the lighting but it looks superb.

From shay@simcoparts.com:
The lighting on this one is just right to make the scene sunny without looking overexposed.

From maarten_hofman@hotmail.com:
Works well... 

From llama009@hotmail.com:
looks like a great place to be
From batronyx@alliancecable.net:
I'm impressed with the detailing on the palm fronds, but all of the colors are too saturated, especially the sand. 

From charliemc@prodigy.net:
i really like this

From jrcsurvey@aol.com:
Very, very realistic. I love the intense light.  Also the compositional 
tension between the four trees in the foreground plane, and the the distant 
mountain framed by the lefthand two.  Superb!

From chris_hormann@gmx.de:
I have seen the many different versions of this picture you showed in the
french newsgroup and i'm not really sure if this is the one i like most but
anyway it is a very nice scene.

From clem@dhol.org:
The textureless burned out film nuclear flash light white 
sand is a bit over the top.  Good rocks and trees.  The 
other island needs some erosion.  It also looks more 
uplifted than volcanic as one would expect.

From ive@lilysoft.com:
This would be a nice place to spend the next cold season.

From p_chan@shaw.ca:
The trees look excellent!  The water and the far island 
also look very nice.  The sand could use some 
improvement, as it is too solid a white right now.  The 
sky also looks very good, but I feel the dark cloud is 
somewhat out of place because of the mood of the 

From glenn@mccarters.net:
Spectacular palm trees?  Yes.  Spectacular landscape?  Not quite.
There seems to be too much emphasis on sky and trees to make this a =
"landscape" image.
Nevertheless, one of my favorite images in this competition.  Brilliant =
vivid color, sharp imagery.
Nice touches like the fallen palm frond and distant forest on the =

From r@proxy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:
If there is a place like that on earth, please tell me. I got to get there !!!
Notable for composition, lighting, modelling