From maarten_hofman@hotmail.com:
Sharp, good idea and a fair execution. 

From tyler@cg1.org:
Like the concept, but can't escape the feeling that the grapmophone looks out of
place. A more 'earthy' setting would have helped. Rather plain.
From cmiles79@iinet.net.au:
Great idea for a picture.  I like how you did the background.  Clever.
From rgow@lanset.com:
Heh heh, nice doggie!  Good modeling, texturing. Background could be a little

From suso@suso.org:
Good idea.  This would have worked well for the Contrast topic too.  I think
that you should have left the fog environment out of it though. Just a lone
spotlight on the objects in a dark room would have worked.

From jjaguar@worldnet.att.net:
Very creative!  I really like this concept.

From jimbobjim@blueyonder.co.uk:
This one took me by surprise and made me smile, great 

From irtc_mail@yahoo.co.uk:

I don't like the framing here that leaves 3/4 of the image empty.

From slone@hiwaay.net:
Nice idea and good modeling and lighting. Backdrop is a little odd, the objects

might work better in a "real" room. Very nice metal texture on the horn. 

From r@pcw2141f.hisd.harris.com:
Notable for composition, originality

From r@toronto-hse-ppp3761522.sympatico.ca:
First Place
Notable for composition, modelling, originality