From rgow@lanset.com:
Hmmmm, it's a good 1st image, nice colors, and it has a checkered plane, but
where's the reflective sphere?

From raytracing@grayproductions.net:
A solid first effort.  I look forward to seeing future entries.
From tek@evilsuperbrain.com:
Those aren't cubes! ;)

It's a nice idea, but there's a lot of ways it could be improved. I noticed
another entry in this round which did the same basic idea but with a lot more
nice details.

The main things I'd suggest improving are: textures, the pattern on the blocks
is good but their colour is a little dull, the wooden ground has nice colours
but is too regular, and the checkerboard and green stuff just look out of
place. The layout of the shot could be improved by lowering the camera's
position and maybe pointing it not quite directly at the object, with a few
other things in the background. The lighting seems a little "dead", perhaps it
needs to be brighter or the materials need highlights on them.

Though don't think it's all bad: I like the use of curved shapes, lots of people
use hard edged things which look much less realistic. The reflections on the
ground are very nice and realistic. And I like the use of the POV logo :)

From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
Okay, too 3D-ish.  Too simple, although it may have helped to have great
lighting - lighting with more drama and great textures can make up for a simple
From hildurka@simnet.is:

I like the texture patterns on the cubes.  Keep on the good work!
From fergie_2002_@msn.com:

uhmmm its nice but i dont see why folk include POV logos in their work...its not
POVs work...its urs!
From dick@buckosoft.com:
Nice use of the POV logo.

From jjaguar@worldnet.att.net:
Not bad for a first picture.  The modeling is good, just 
need some more work on textures.

From chris_hormann@gmx.de:
When this is your first picture you should start right away writing 
longer descriptions in the text file...

I would have used different colors to make the bricks stand out 
stronger in front of the background.  Those three different yellows 
don't look that good.  Otherwise not bad.