From jon@vulpecula.us:
Good attempt with the water...but I thought it was plastic pipe at first.
Perhaps if you had used media instead of plain blobs? I like the way you used
just the shadow...you don't have to show everything. Still, this is a picture
that seems to fit the topic of "horror" or "sci fi" better than "mystery"...

From rgow@lanset.com:
Good idea. Shadow is very effective. Brick wall should have larger bricks with
less space in between.

From hildurka@simnet.is:
A very good first entrance from a very young artist. Grouping objects for
dublication is not cheating, it_s called making the workflow faster. For
brickwalls, you could either try the wall plugin for Moray (check their
website) or you could try making a brick texture with transparent mortar,
assign it to a cube  and then place a smaller cube inside with the mortar
texture. The latter is better when you want to make holes for doors & windows.
Keep up the good work! I hope to see more from you in the future.

From somers@w-link.net:

Pretty good for a first try. THe hole in the wall could be done better wit a
CSG, in morey.
Keep trying hard, hope to see more from you.
From pbrasolin@yahoo.it:
The idea is nice, but I don't like very much that wall. The blob on the wall is
really nice. PS:you don't need a video card to raytrace, because only the CPU
makes the tracing. (i'm 14 just so you know) PB
From ralf@treuherz.de:
So the shadow is the "creature", I suggest. But without really SEEING the
creature, it is hard to figure
where the mystery is. Water looks like flowing plastic, and the bricks are too

From info@michaelscholz.de:
Nice idea. Keep working on those textures (old bricks 
and mortar, rusty trash can, rotten cardboard box), it will 
make a difference.

From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com:

The image could have better texturing, but since you were using MS paint, this
is understandable.  For someone who is just 12 and entered for the first time
you are doing great.  I want to see you enter another image for the next round.
 Keep up the good work.
From p_chan@shaw.ca:
One technique which could be used to improve this 
image would be to randomize the textures on the bricks.  
This could be done in POV using a while loop to place 
the bricks, but I'm not sure how to do it in Moray.  A 
random translation on the texture would also make each 
brick look different.

From emediez@emediez.com:
Good start. Observation is the key :-)

From glenn@mccarters.net:
Ok, a good start.  You have a good sense of drama, now you need to work =
on your technique.  Details make all the difference.  Have you tried =
using "while loops" using random elements to create objects?  It is a =
great way to randomize the positions of bricks in a wall.  You can even =
use this to vary the colors of the bricks.

From file:
looks like the shadow of a retarded ninja turtle.  nice idea.
Notable for originality