From shevlin@uic.edu:
The details in this scene are quite nice, and the posed figures look considerably more real than most of the Poser figures in images this round.  I've got some reservations about the glowing primary-green eyes of the minotaur, though.  Also, that sword is reflecting an awful lot of light for not casting any sort of shadow into the brightly-lit portion of the floor under it.  The color of the flare off that sword doesn't match the color of the sunlight streaming into the scene.  Overall, this image is clearly one of the best submitted this round.

From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
This was definitely one of the best.  No suggestions here except one that actually seems kind of like a glaring inconsistency give the quality of the rest of the image.  The metal object on the left that is lying on the ground and has cob webs on it at one end but is bright and shiny at the other end - it just doesn't fit with the dirty and rustic look of the rest of the scene.
From rgow@lanset.com:
Good one!  Posing is very lifelike. Lighting is good, but why is the light on the floor white, yet the reflection off the sword red?

From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com:

I love this one as well.  Another top runner for this round.

From p_chan@shaw.ca:
Nice work overall.  One thing I find out of place is that 
the metal for the overturned "torch" seems too shiny 
compared to the environment it's in.

From skirsch@comcast.net:
A very good job, but I didn't love it.

From file:
Notable for textures, lighting, modelling

From file:
Nice wall and sword well-balanced.

From file:
like the dark cavern lighting
Notable for textures, lighting, composition

From file:
Notable for lighting, modelling