From rich@brickbots.com:
Not a bad model, but the staging is not great.  Why not 
put the phone in some sort of environment?  Even a 
simple corner would be preferrable to the horizon line 
cutting across the image.  The stand is a nice idea, but 
almost impossible to see with the lighting you have 
setup.  Try more lights, so we can see past the one 
spotlight and get a better sense of what lies in the 

Render your image larger, I would say 800 wide is a 
minimum and 1024 is pretty nice.

From Knight-Graphics@earthlink.net:
Continue to push the limits of your imagination (and your computer).
From simplepsy@aol.com:
Good idea. Unfortunatly the ground texture apears to be confusing and distracting.  try adding some detail to the phone, like numbers, logo's etc, and for this style of presentation, simplify the background since this will help to draw attention to the phone itself. Nice work, keep it up.

From uglycasanova420@hotmail.com:

no no no
From terraform@upnaway.com:
Good looking effects on the phone cover and the light on the horizon remind me of the early 80`s advertising templates (before computers.)
nice commercial looking render..well done
but wheres the numbers?
From marlo.steed@uleth.ca:
The concept works.   I would have perferred a different texture on the cell phone.

From file:
I get the concept but what is the phone leaning against? The phone should also have numbers on it. And a little too much texture between the phone and the background.